Creating Real Opportunities for Adults with Disabilities
Who are we?
We provide independent housing with drop-in service, and connect individuals to local job opportunities in the the Summit and Stark County Area.
What's Included?
Individuals also have access to fun and interactive daily and weekly trips!
Local: Bowling, Breakfast out and about, Pumpkin Patch, Vineyards, Zoo, Plays, Fairs
In State: Cleveland- Hard Rock, Mentor on the Lake, Geneva on the Lake, Columbus- Zoo, German Town, Eaton, Sandusky - Cedar Point, Kalahari, Cincinnati- Kings Island, Zoo
Out of State: Pa- Hershey PA, Buffalo NY, Orlando Fl- Disney
Out of Country:Cruise Time - Mexico, Eastern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Disney Cruise
And Much, Much More!
The Wow Crowd, living with intellectual disabilities